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Commencement of Online Application
30-12-2024 (10:00 AM)
Last date of submission of Online Application
31-01-2025 (06:00 PM)
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Post Code Name of the Post No. of posts and reservation status Upper Age Limit (including age relaxation wherever applicable) Job Requirements Pay Level/Pay Matrix Minimum Educational/ Essential Qualification
JSG Junior Stenographer UR-02 27 years Stenographic work and/or such other duties as assigned from time to time by the Competent Authority. Level-04
[Rs25500 to Rs81100]
of Pay Matrix as per VII CPC
[Approximate total emoluments- Rs52100/-p.m.]
10 + 2 / XII or its equivalent and proficiency in Stenography as per the prescribed norms fixed by the DoPT from time to time.
ST-0132 years
Important Instructions to the Candidate
  1. 1. Please read the Advertisement Carefully.Applications are to be submitted on-line only. No other form of application will be entertained.
  2. 2. Candidates are advised to note down the Registration ID and login credentials till the process of Advertisement is complete. further queries on this will not be entertained
  3. 3. Candidates should note that they can register with email only once.Duplicate entries with same email is not allowed. It is advised to have a working email.
  4. 4. Click here for Photograph and Signature requirement
  5. 5. Click Here for steps of online application
  6. 6. Click Here for steps of Online Payment
  7. 7. For any assistance candidates are advised to write to email
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